All About Gophers

All About Gophers

This article delves into the world of these burrowing rodents, exploring their unique behaviors, environmental impact, and the challenges they present in human-dominated landscapes.

What Is A Gopher?

Gophers are small, burrowing rodents typically measuring about 6 to 8 inches in length, with a short tail. They possess powerful forelimbs and large claws for digging. Their fur, which can vary in color, usually blends well with the soil, providing effective camouflage.

Habitat and Burrowing

These animals live in underground burrows that they excavate. These burrows can be extensive, featuring long tunnels, nesting areas, and food storage chambers. Gophers are commonly found in areas with soft, loose soil, including woodlands, grasslands, and agricultural regions.

Learn more about gopher habitats

Diet / What Do Gophers Eat?

As herbivores, gophers primarily feed on roots, tubers, and other plant materials. This diet often leads to conflicts with humans, especially when gophers feed on agricultural crops or garden plants.

Learn more about the Diet of Gophers

Behavior and Reproduction

Gophers are solitary creatures, except during mating seasons. Known for their industrious tunneling, they typically have one litter per year, with each litter consisting of several pups.

Impact on Ecosystem and Human Activities

Gophers play a role in aerating and mixing soil, but their burrowing can be detrimental to agricultural crops, gardens, and landscaping. They also pose risks to underground cables and irrigation systems.


In the wild, gophers generally live for about 1 to 3 years. Factors like predation and environmental conditions contribute to their relatively short lifespan.

Learn more about the lifespan of a Gopher.

Gopher Control

Often considered pests due to their burrowing habits, gophers can be controlled through trapping, baiting, and the use of repellents. It’s important to consider humane and environmentally friendly control options.

In summary, gophers are notable for their burrowing behavior and the challenges they pose to human activities. Understanding their habits and characteristics is key to effective management and coexistence with these impactful creatures.

Lifespan of Gophers: A Closer Look at Their Life Expectancy

Lifespan of Gophers: A Closer Look at Their Life Expectancy

When it comes to understanding the life cycle of backyard wildlife, the lifespan of a gopher is a topic of interest for many. Gophers have a specific life expectancy that plays a role in their population dynamics and the impact they have on their environment.

In this post, we’ll delve into the gopher lifespan, providing insights into how long these creatures live and the factors influencing their life expectancy.

Understanding Gopher Lifespan

The lifespan of a gopher is not particularly long when compared to some other mammals. On average, gophers live for about 1 to 3 years in the wild. However, this can vary based on several factors, including species, environmental conditions, predation, and food availability.

Factors Affecting the Lifespan of a Gopher

  • Predation: Gophers have numerous predators, including snakes, birds of prey, and larger mammals. The constant threat of predation significantly impacts their life expectancy.
  • Environment: The quality of their habitat plays a crucial role. Gophers living in areas with abundant food sources and optimal soil conditions for burrowing are likely to live longer.
  • Disease: Like any other animal, gophers are susceptible to diseases and parasites, which can shorten their lifespan.
  • Human Interaction: In areas where human interaction is high, especially in agricultural lands, gophers may have reduced lifespans due to control measures like trapping and poisoning .

The Life Cycle of a Gopher

Understanding the gopher lifespan also involves looking at their life cycle stages:

  • Birth and Early Development: Gopher pups are born blind and helpless. They depend on their mother for the first few weeks of life.
  • Juvenile Stage: As they grow, gophers quickly gain independence. They start to develop their burrowing skills and learn to forage for food.
  • Adulthood: Gophers reach sexual maturity around their first year. This is also when they are most active in terms of burrowing and feeding.
  • Old Age: In the wild, it is rare for gophers to reach what could be considered old age due to the various environmental challenges they face.

Gopher Lifespan in Captivity

In captivity, where threats like predation and food scarcity are controlled, gophers can live slightly longer. However, gophers are not commonly kept as pets or in wildlife sanctuaries, so data on their lifespan in captivity is limited.

Understanding Gopher Habitats

Understanding Gopher Habitats

This post aims to explore the habitat of gophers, addressing common questions and highlighting key aspects of their environment.

The Essence of Gopher Habitats

Gophers are found primarily in the Western Hemisphere, with a significant presence across North and Central America. Their habitats are characterized by a few essential elements:

  • Soil Type: Gophers prefer areas with soft, loose, and well-drained soil. Sandy, loamy, or clay soils are ideal for their burrowing activities. Hard, rocky, or compacted soils are less favorable as they make tunneling difficult.
  • Vegetation: Areas rich in vegetation are preferred due to the gophers’ herbivorous diet. They feed on roots, tubers, and above-ground plant parts, making grasslands, prairies, and agricultural lands ideal habitats.
  • Land Topography: While gophers can adapt to a range of topographies, they favor flat or slightly sloped lands that facilitate easier digging and burrow maintenance.

Gopher Habitats Across Regions

  • In the United States: Gophers are widespread, particularly in the western and central states. They are a common sight in rural and suburban areas, often venturing into gardens and parks.
  • Central American Regions: In these areas, gophers adapt to more tropical environments, still prioritizing areas with suitable soil for burrowing.

Adaptation to Environmental Conditions

Gophers are highly adaptable and can modify their burrows according to environmental conditions. Their underground homes provide protection from predators, extreme weather, and temperature fluctuations. The intricate tunnel systems include nesting chambers, food storage areas, and escape routes.

Impact on Ecosystems

Gopher activities significantly impact soil health and ecosystem dynamics. Their burrowing aids in soil aeration and nutrient mixing, although it can disrupt human agricultural practices.

Gophers and Human Habitats

The intersection of gopher habitats with human landscapes often leads to conflicts. Gophers can damage lawns, gardens, and agricultural lands, leading to the need for effective gopher management strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gopher Habitats

Gophers are predominantly solitary, except during breeding seasons. Each gopher maintains its own burrow system.
Gopher tunnels can vary in depth, typically ranging from a few inches to several feet below the surface, depending on soil type and environmental factors.
While less common, gophers can adapt to urban environments, especially in areas with parks and gardens.

Gopher habitats are a complex interplay of soil conditions, vegetation availability, and environmental factors. Understanding these habitats is crucial for appreciating the role gophers play in the ecosystem and for managing their presence in human-dominated landscapes.

Diet of Gophers

Diet of Gophers

Gophers, often considered a nuisance by gardeners and farmers, have a diet that plays a significant role in their interaction with the environment. Understanding what gophers eat is crucial for managing their presence and mitigating the damage they cause.

This article delves into the dietary habits of gophers, addressing specific questions about their eating preferences.

What Do Pocket Gophers Eat?

Pocket gophers, named for their fur-lined cheek pouches or “pockets,” are a common type of gopher. Their diet primarily consists of:

  • Roots and Tubers: They feed extensively on the roots and tubers of plants. This underground feeding can damage or kill plants, leading to the collapse of garden beds and agricultural fields.
  • Above-Ground Plant Parts: Occasionally, pocket gophers will come to the surface to feed on the stems and leaves of plants.
  • Bulbs and Tree Bark: In some cases, they also consume bulbs and the bark of young trees, which can be detrimental to orchards and ornamental plants.

What Do Gophers Like to Eat?

Gophers generally prefer:

  • Vegetation: Their diet is largely vegetarian, favoring the fibrous parts of plants.
  • High-Calorie Foods: Gophers are particularly drawn to high-calorie, nutritious plant parts like roots, bulbs, and tubers, which provide the energy they need for their active lifestyle.
  • Garden and Crop Plants: Unfortunately for farmers and gardeners, gophers are attracted to many types of garden vegetables, ornamental plants, and crops.

What Do Baby Gophers Eat?

Baby gophers, or pups, start their life by drinking their mother’s milk. As they grow, they gradually transition to a solid diet, which includes:

  • Soft Plant Material: Initially, they consume softer parts of plants, such as roots and tender shoots, which are easier to digest.
  • Mother’s Foraged Food: Pups rely on the mother to bring food back to the burrow, gradually learning to forage for themselves.

Other Dietary Habits and Considerations

  • Seasonal Variations: Gophers’ diets can change with the seasons, depending on the availability of different plants.
  • Soil Consumption: Interestingly, while burrowing, gophers may inadvertently consume small amounts of soil, which can aid in digestion.
  • Water Intake: Gophers typically do not need to drink water, as they obtain sufficient moisture from their plant-based diet.

Managing Gophers Through Their Diet

Understanding the dietary preferences of gophers can aid in their management. For instance, certain plants may be less appealing to gophers and can be used as a natural deterrent.

Additionally, barriers can be strategically placed around high-risk plants to protect them from gopher damage.

Gophers are primarily herbivorous creatures with a strong preference for roots, tubers, and other nutrient-rich plant parts. This diet, while natural for them, often brings them into conflict with human activities, particularly in gardens and agricultural settings.

By understanding what gophers eat, we can develop more effective strategies for coexisting with these industrious animals and protecting valuable plants from their burrowing habits.

Gopher Control Products

Gopher Control Products

Gophers, while seemingly cute, can wreak havoc in your garden, turning a lush landscape into a series of unsightly mounds and tunnels.

Effective gopher control is essential for maintaining the health and aesthetics of your outdoor space. In this guide we’ll explore the various gopher control products available, ensuring you have the knowledge to choose the right solution for your needs.

Understanding Gophers and Their Behavior

Before diving into control methods, it’s crucial to understand gophers and their behavior. Gophers are burrowing rodents known for their extensive tunneling activities. They primarily feed on roots and tubers, which can damage plants and destabilize the soil structure.

Types of Gopher Control Products

  • Traps: Gopher traps are one of the most effective and environmentally friendly methods for controlling these pests. They are placed directly in the gopher’s tunnel and can be used repeatedly. Popular types include box traps, pincer-style traps, and tunnel traps. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper placement and safety.
  • Learn more about Gopher Traps

  • Baits and Poison: Poison baits are designed to attract and kill gophers. These products typically contain anticoagulants or other toxic substances. While effective, they pose risks to non-target animals and the environment, so they must be used with caution and in accordance with local regulations
  • Learn more about Gopher Pellets

  • Ultrasonic Devices: These devices emit high-frequency sounds intended to repel gophers and other burrowing animals. While they are a humane and chemical-free option, their effectiveness can be variable and may not provide a long-term solution.
  • Gopher Baskets: These are wire mesh baskets that protect plant roots from gophers. They are particularly useful for safeguarding young trees and valuable plants. The mesh allows roots to grow through while keeping gophers at bay.
  • Castor Oil Granules: A natural repellent, castor oil granules can be spread over infested areas to deter gophers. They work by creating an unpleasant environment for the gophers, encouraging them to relocate. Regular reapplication is necessary for continued effectiveness.
  • Flooding and Fumigation: Flooding gopher tunnels with water or using gas cartridges for fumigation are other control methods. However, these techniques have limited effectiveness and can be harmful to the environment.
  • Professional Pest Control Services: For severe infestations or for those preferring not to handle gopher control personally, professional pest control services offer expertise and a range of solutions, often with guarantees.
  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

    An Integrated Pest Management approach combines multiple strategies for effective and sustainable gopher control. This might include habitat modification (like reducing food sources), exclusion techniques (like gopher baskets), and the use of traps or repellents.

    Safety and Environmental Considerations

    When using gopher control products, especially chemical baits and fumigants, it’s crucial to consider the safety of children, pets, and wildlife. Always follow label instructions and consider the environmental impact of the methods you choose.

    Gopher control requires patience and persistence. By understanding the range of gopher control products available and combining different methods as part of an integrated approach, you can effectively manage gopher populations and protect your garden. Remember, the key to successful gopher control is not just in choosing the right product, but in consistent monitoring and adapting your strategy as needed.

    Whether you opt for traps, natural repellents, or professional services, the right combination of tools and techniques can restore the health and beauty of your outdoor space, making it a gopher-free zone.

Professional Gopher Removal

Professional Gopher Removal

Gophers, while seemingly harmless, can cause significant damage to your garden, lawn, and landscape.

When considering “gopher removal near me”, it’s essential to understand the benefits of hiring professionals over attempting DIY methods.

Understanding the Need for Professional Gopher Removal Services

Gophers are notorious for their extensive burrowing habits, which can undermine the structural integrity of the ground.

They create networks of tunnels that not only ruin the aesthetics of your lawn but also pose a risk to the health of your plants and stability of structures.

Professional gopher removal services are equipped with the knowledge and tools to address these issues effectively.

Professional vs. DIY Gopher Removal

While DIY methods might seem cost-effective at first glance, they often fall short in terms of efficiency and effectiveness. Here’s why professional gopher removal is a smarter choice:

  • Expertise and Experience: Professionals in gopher removal have the expertise to quickly identify gopher presence and understand their behavior. This insight allows for a more targeted and successful removal process.
  • Efficient and Humane Methods: Professionals use methods that are not only efficient but also humane. They have access to advanced techniques and tools that most DIY enthusiasts do not, ensuring the gophers are dealt with in a way that is both effective and ethical.
  • Time-Saving: Removing gophers can be time-consuming, especially for those unfamiliar with the best practices. Professional services save you time and effort, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.
  • Long-Term Solutions: Professionals don’t just remove the existing problem; they often provide advice and solutions to prevent future infestations. This long-term approach is something that DIY methods usually lack.
  • Safety: Gopher removal can involve the use of traps or chemicals. Professionals know how to handle these safely, reducing the risk to you and your family.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: While hiring professionals might seem more expensive upfront, it can actually be more cost-effective in the long run. Incorrect DIY methods can lead to recurring problems, additional damage, and ultimately more expenses.

Locating Gopher Removal Services Near You

When searching for “gopher removal near me,” look for services with good reviews and a proven track record.

Professional gopher removal services provide a valuable solution for effectively dealing with gopher problems.

Gopher control by Davis Pest Control brings expertise and efficiency. By choosing professional gopher control, you save time and ensure the job is done correctly, protecting your property from these underground pests in the long run.

Guide to Gopher Pellets for Homeowners

Guide to Gopher Pellets for Homeowners

Dealing with gophers in your yard can be a frustrating experience. These small, burrowing rodents can cause significant damage to gardens and landscapes.

One of the most common methods for controlling gophers is the use of gopher pellets.

This helpful guide will delve into everything homeowners need to know about gopher pellets, including their pros and cons, and how they compare to other gopher removal options.

Understanding Gopher Pellets

Gopher poison pellets, often referred to simply as gopher pellets, are a type of rodenticide designed specifically to target gophers.

These pellets contain poison that is lethal to gophers when ingested.

The most common active ingredient in these pellets is zinc phosphide, which reacts with the stomach acids of the gopher, releasing toxic phosphine gas.

Pros and Cons of Gopher Pellets


  • Effective: Gopher pellets are known for their high efficacy in killing gophers.
  • Ease of Use: They are relatively easy to use. Homeowners can place these pellets into gopher tunnels without needing professional help.
  • Targeted Approach: These pellets specifically target gophers, reducing the risk to other animals.


  • Safety Concerns: The use of poison poses a risk to pets, children, and non-target wildlife if not used correctly.
  • Environmental Impact: There’s a potential environmental impact due to the poison entering the ecosystem.
  • Handling Risks: Incorrect handling and placement can reduce effectiveness and increase risks.

Comparing Gopher Pellets to Other Removal Options

Gopher pellets are just one method of gopher control. Let’s compare them with other popular methods:

  • Traps: Mechanical traps can be effective and are a non-toxic option. However, they require correct placement and regular checking.
  • Ultrasonic Devices: These devices emit sound waves that are supposed to deter gophers. Their effectiveness is debatable and varies greatly.
  • Flooding: Flooding gopher tunnels with water can force them out, but it’s not a permanent solution and can damage your landscape.
  • Natural Predators: Encouraging natural predators like owls can help control the gopher population but is a more long-term solution.
  • Exclusion: Using wire mesh or barriers can prevent gophers from entering certain areas, but it’s labor-intensive and not feasible for large areas.

Gopher pellets offer a potent and targeted method for dealing with gophers but come with significant safety and environmental considerations.

It’s crucial to weigh these factors against other gopher removal methods, considering your specific situation and preferences.

Remember, no method is foolproof, and a combination of strategies might be the most effective approach to managing gophers in your landscape.

As always, when dealing with pest control products like gopher poison pellets, it’s essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and local regulations to ensure safe and responsible use.

Identifying Gopher Damage: A Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Your Arizona Yard

Identifying Gopher Damage: A Homeowner’s Guide to Protecting Your Arizona Yard

Are you a homeowner in Arizona facing the perplexing task of dealing with gophers?

Understanding and identifying gopher damage is crucial in taking the first steps towards effective control.

In this guide, we’ll explore what gopher damage looks like in your yard and garden, and provide practical tips on how to fix it.

What Does Gopher Damage Look Like?

Gopher activity can be quite destructive to your landscape. Here are key signs to look out for:

Gopher Mounds: One of the most evident signs of gopher damage in Arizona yards is the presence of fresh mounds of dirt. These mounds are usually fan-shaped and appear as the gopher digs tunnels and pushes soil to the surface.

gopher mounds

Damaged Plants: Gophers primarily feed on plant roots, which can lead to noticeable wilting, yellowing, or sudden collapse of plants. Young trees and shrubs are particularly vulnerable to gopher lawn damage.

Tunnels and Burrows: While less visible, you might notice soft spots in the ground where gophers have tunneled close to the surface. These areas can collapse under pressure, creating uneven ground.

Gopher Damage vs Vole Damage

Gopher mounds are fan-shaped or crescent-shaped with finely sifted soil and often have a visible plug, usually over a foot in diameter.


Voles, on the other hand, don’t create large mounds. Instead, they make runways on the surface of the ground, visible as narrow paths through grass or vegetation, indicating their underground burrowing activity.


These distinct characteristics help differentiate between gopher and vole damage in yards.

Monthly savings
Rodent Type Mound Shape Soil Type Location Characterstics Common in Arizona?
Gopher Fan-Shaped, often with a plug Loose, fine soil Near garden areas and open fields Yes
Vole Smaller, less distinict, flatter Usually grassy, mixed with plant material Near the surface, often in dense vegetation Yes, particulary in areas with ample vegetation

Recognizing Gopher Yard Damage

Gopher yard damage extends beyond just aesthetic concerns. They can undermine the structural integrity of your garden, leading to issues like:

  • Erosion and Drainage Problems: The extensive tunnel systems created by gophers can disrupt normal drainage patterns, leading to erosion and water logging.
  • Root Damage: Gophers chew through roots, which can be detrimental to the health and stability of plants.

How to Fix Gopher Damage

Repairing gopher damage involves a two-pronged approach: restoring your yard and implementing control measures.

  • Restoring the Landscape: After removing gophers, fill in tunnels and re-level the ground. Replant damaged areas with gopher-resistant plants, if possible.
  • Control and Prevention: Consider humane traps or seek professional gopher removal services. Implement preventive measures like underground fencing to protect vulnerable areas.

Preventive Strategies

While fixing existing gopher damage is necessary, preventing future infestations is equally important. Here are some tips:

  • Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your yard for signs of new gopher activity.
  • Use of Repellents: Natural or commercial repellents can deter gophers, though their effectiveness may vary.
  • Professional Assistance: For persistent problems, professional gopher removal services can provide more permanent solutions.

Identifying and addressing gopher damage in Arizona is crucial for maintaining a healthy and beautiful yard.

By staying vigilant and taking prompt action, you can mitigate the effects of these burrowing pests. Remember, early detection and effective management are key to protecting your landscape from gopher damage.

Gopher Traps: Protecting Your Yard and Garden

Gopher Traps: Protecting Your Yard and Garden

Gophers can be a real nuisance for homeowners, wreaking havoc in yards and gardens. The solution? Gopher traps. This comprehensive resource will walk you through everything you need to know about gopher traps, including types, how to set and use them, and tips for effective gopher control.

Understanding Gopher Traps

Before diving into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand what gopher traps are and why they are necessary. Gophers, small burrowing rodents, can cause significant damage to your lawn and garden by creating tunnels and feeding on plants. Gopher traps are a humane and effective method to control these pests.

Types of Gopher Traps

There are several types of gopher traps available, each with its own mechanism and effectiveness. The most popular types include:

Gopher Hawk Traps: These traps are known for their ease of use and effectiveness. Gopher hawk traps are designed to be set directly into the gopher tunnel without any digging, making them a convenient option for homeowners.

grophers hawk traps

Traditional Gopher Traps: These are the classic, spring-loaded traps that have been used for years. They are effective but require precise placement and setting.

grophers traps

Choosing the Best Gopher Traps Selecting the best gopher traps depends on your specific situation. Factors to consider include the size of your yard, the severity of the gopher problem, and your comfort level with setting and handling traps. Gopher hawk traps are generally recommended for their ease of use and safety features.

How to Set Gopher Traps

Setting gopher traps can be tricky, but with the right technique, you can effectively control gopher populations. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Locate the Gopher Tunnel: Look for fresh mounds of dirt, which indicate active tunnels.

  • locate the gopher tunnel
  • Prepare the Trap: Depending on the type of trap, you may need to set the trigger mechanism.

  • prepare the traps
  • Place the Trap: Carefully insert the trap into the tunnel, ensuring it’s properly aligned.
  • Cover the Opening: To ensure effectiveness, cover the opening to block out light.

How to Use Gopher Traps

Using gopher traps effectively involves more than just setting them. Here are some tips:

  • Check Traps Regularly: This ensures you can remove captured gophers and reset the traps promptly.
  • Move Traps as Needed: If a trap hasn’t caught a gopher in a few days, move it to a different location.
  • Safety First: Always handle traps with care to avoid injury.

Setting Gopher Traps: Dos and Don’ts

When setting gopher traps, there are a few dos and don’ts to keep in mind:

  • Do wear gloves to avoid leaving human scent.
  • Don’t use bait, as gophers are primarily attracted to the tunnel being blocked.
  • Do place traps in multiple tunnels for better results.
  • Don’t forget to check local wildlife regulations regarding trapping.

Gopher traps are an effective way to control gophers and protect your yard and garden. Whether you choose gopher hawk traps or traditional traps, proper setting and usage are key. With this gopher trap resource, you’re well-equipped to tackle your gopher problem head-on.

Remember, patience and persistence are crucial. Gopher trapping may take some time, but with the right approach, you can maintain a beautiful and gopher-free yard.